
The Crafting of a Name...

Augustella Ryan Anderson

Named after the great 2nd century Saint Augustine who still compels us to grace and repentance with urgency... also a month (August) where we (unknowingly 3 of us!) spent two weeks in South Africa, learning about the face of God in beauty and pain in a town called Stellenbosch, which is partly where Ella comes from, and the other part a family name on both sides. Ryan being the middle name of Jenna and the maiden name of Grandma Maureen. Anderson, the family name of her pops.

August- revered, exalted, venerated
Ella- she
Ryan- little king, young royalty
Augustella- The Feminine Revered One

April 24, 2008 . 7 pounds 19 inches of beauty

1 comment:

Jordyn said...

augustella...a little beauty she is.
so happy that your sweet little one is here!